(Frequently-Asked Questions)

Q. As a non-resident of Costa Rica, can I own Costa Rican property?
A. Yes.

Q. Assuming I already like Costa Rica and want to move there, why would I want to buy Costa Rica property?
A. Two good reasons are: what property value you would get for your dollar, and the significantly lower cost of living relative to USA etc. But more importantly, that your ongoing property taxes would be very little.

Q. Why would lower property taxes make a difference?
A. If your are retiring, then having your property taxes in the hundreds instead of thousands per year will make a big difference.

If you are investing in property or a second home, and especially vacant land, then low property taxes per year will make a big difference in the holding cost of the property. Basically, you can hold on to an investment in vacant land and not experience significant tax cash outflow getting ready to move down and/or to build your house.

Q. Can you give me an example?
A. For a $1Mil property in the USA (house or vacant land)
Property taxes in Hawaii would be about $5,500 per year.
In California, they would be about $10,000 a year
I heard that in Florida they can approach about $20,000 per year.

The property taxes on the entire 50 acre parcel Guatuso Project you are looking at here $452 per year ($8 per year for our 4 acre knoll top in Barbacoas). I Have not figured out the basis they use for calculating all this yet, but will post further research.

Consider what your current property taxes and/or condo fees are now? You could probably live well in Costa Rica just on what you are paying in property taxes as a homeowner in the US.

Q. What is the Guatuso Project?
A. 50 Acres (20 Hectares) of Country living, offering 3+ Acre
(1+ Hectare) to 16 Acre parcels for on-the-grid or off-the-grid living.

Q. What do you mean by on and off the grid living?
A. Off-the-grid is using stream/well water and wind/solar energy which is what alot of people want. On-the-grid is having Municipal utilities which are currently 500+ meters up the Public Road (1,600+ ft ) and scheduled to be brought road front within a year. Inquire about status of municipal electricity and water if interested. Also look at our off-the-grid solutions to begin appearing in this web site.

Q. Do the lots have Public Road frontage and Stream frontage?
A. Yes. The Guatuso Project is bordered entirely on the West and South by a Public Road, and entirely on the East by an all-year-round stream. All parcels have Public Road access, and only two parcels do not have stream frontage.

NOTE: The Public Road bordering the South is not fully developed (a old wagon road), but a private access road to the Southernmost parcels exists on the Southern part of the project. This road needs improvement to qualify for good all-weather access to those parcels. The Northern and Western parcels have all-weather public road access.

Q. Does the project have view lots?
A. Yes, each has one or more of Sunset, Sunrise, Nicoya peninsula, Valley views, and all-day sun, with several having full 360 spectacular views.

Q. Where is the Guatuso project located?
A. About 45 minutes North West of San Jose, Costa Rica, and about 40 minutes, all by paved road, to the "5 Star" CIMA Hospital.

Elevation 3,380 feet (1,000 meters)

Then, getting off the paved road, a 1.1 mile all-weather, Public lastre (rock) road takes you Westward to the project and the sunset.

5 minute drive to Barbacoas, and another 5 minute drive to downtown Puriscal with plenty of stores, restaurants, gas, etc. Very private location, but not remote.


Q. What would it cost me to get 3+ acres or more of the Guatuso Project?
A. Just contact Rik at:


Q. Could I assemble several 3+ acres lots to get a larger parcel for a discounted price? e.g. lots A and B, or A and B and C, etc.
A. Yes.

Q. Could we talk about joint-venture and early adopter opportunities?
A. Yes.

------Other Stuff-----------------------------------------------------------

Q. Are you doing anything about re-construction and re-forestation so often desired with Costa Rican property?
A. Yes, see Reconstruction
and Re-Forestation efforts.

Q. The content on this web site provides topos and aerials of the project. Is there any way I can see those projected over the actual contoured surface of the earth so I can navigate around the project to see views, water sources, etc?
A. Yes, if you have Goggle Earth installed, click on the link below.

Project as shown In Goggle Earth
(need to have Goggle Earth on your computer,
and may take a while to load, but worth it ...)

-----Other Great Information Links --------------------

The Real Costa Rica.com
- Best Costa Rica Web site we have found

Tico Times
- Great source of Costa Rican news for English-speaking readers.

Metric Co version Calculator

Bus Schedule

Central America.com
- General info about Costa Rica